
Showing posts from August, 2018

How to: Oracle Sqlplus important flags for spool a table into CSV

How to: Oracle Sqlplus important flags for spool a table into CSV Hello, If you are trying to export a large table from a database via SQL Developer, it will take a lot of time. So to reduce the time and effort and you can log into or connect to remote Oracle DB via SQLPlus. And while importing the data, to get proper structuring to your data below flags will help you. set colsep , set headsep off set pagesize 0 set trimout on set feedback off set trimspool on set linesize 32767 set echo off SET TERMOUT OFF For explanation of those flags, please read : So if you are planning to export a table then whole .sql file should look like below set colsep , set headsep off set pagesize 0 set trimout on set feedback off set trimspool on set linesize 32767 set echo off SET TERMOUT OFF spool 4802 . csv SELECT player || ',' || name || ',' || value FRO