
Showing posts from July, 2022

ServiceNow: How to read the content of a text file from an incident record attachment

How to read the content of a text file from an incident record attachment:   GlideSysAttachment API is used to handle attachments. With this API, we can copy attachment from one record to another read the content of a attached file as text, base64 or content stream write the content read all attachments of a record and also we can delete any of the attachment of a record var attachment = new GlideSysAttachment (); var incidentSysID = '136e85931bc8fc1037fc4263cc4bcb46' ; var agr = attachment . getAttachments ( 'incident' , incidentSysID ); gs . info ( agr . getRowCount ()); while ( agr . next ()) { var attachmentContent = attachment . getContent ( agr ); gs . info ( 'Attachment content: ' + attachmentContent ); Output: x_67546_crusher: Attachment content: Vamshi Vemula Staff software Engineer  

OS Internals: Interprocess Communication ( IPC)

ipc Interprocess Communication ( IPC ) Interprocess communication allows a process to communicate with another process. Communications can be one of two types Between related process ( parent and child ) Between unrelated processes ( one or more different processes) IPC can use Pipes First In First Out ( FIFO) - Queue Message Queues Shared Memory Semaphores Signals