Understanding Java ClassPath

 Java class path


java -cp <path_to_jar>:<path_to_current_class> Main.class -> for linux

java -cp <path_to_jar>:<path_to_current_class> Main.class -> for windows


java -cp ..:. Main

.. indicates the previous directory

; | : separator for linux or windows

. indicates the current working directory 

loading classes from jar

to create jar

jar cvf <jar_file_name.jar> class1.class class2.class

java -cp ..:. /path/to/jar:. Main

compiling Java file where dependent classes not in the same directory,

javac -cp <path-to-deps.java>:<path_to-current_class> <className>

via jar

javac -cp <path_to_jar>:<path_to_current_class> <class_name>


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