
Showing posts from May, 2017

BASH: Extract only IP Address from ip addr command

Hello , You can use below shell script to extract only IP address from ip command. Command :  ip addr show  | grep -oP 'inet \K[^/]+' Example: [root@server cgi-bin]# ip addr show  | grep -oP 'inet \K[^/]+' Note: If you are trying to use ip command in cron jobs, please use as /sbin/ip  Hope it helps  you. 

Fix: Command not found for whois and dig

Hello, If you have not installed bind-utils then you wont be able to execute dig commands. basically dig command can be used to DNS information and reverse lookup of a host etc. To install dig commands , type below commands in your terminal yum install bind-utils Then you can try with dig dig -x  If you have executed those commands, you will see sample output as below and if who is command not working then you have to install jwhois package. yum install jwhois and you can test command usage with whois Hope it helps you some day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!