
Showing posts from May, 2021

How to : What are python class variables ?

In Python we have class variables, they are not defined in any methods. They are defined at class level. The only advantage of a class variable is it stays with class. If you instantiate your class and created an object, still with object you can access the class_variable. In [1]: class A(object): ...: class_var = 10 ...: def __init__(self): ...: A.class_var = 20 ...: In [2]: a = A() In [3]: a.class_var Out[3]: 20 In [4]: A.class_var Out[4]: 20 But if you use self and defined another variable with same name, then you will have two variables. You can still access using class and another you can access using your new object. In [5]: class B(object): ...: class_var = 10 ...: def __init__(self): ...: self.class_var = 40 ...: In [6]: b = B() In [8]: b.class_var Out[8]: 40 In [9]: B().class_var Out[9]: 40 In [10]: B.class_var Out[10]: 10 In [11]: The sample code and outputs, hope they will help you understand

Python: How to print a json object in table format

If you have json object and you want print the json object in table format, then you are the right place. Though I didn't wrote any module, I found one which can help. There is a module named pytablewriter . You can use that module to print your json object in many formats, checkout their documenration for more information. Now let's get into business. Lets say you have a json object like below obj = [{ 'name' : 'Fix PRB' , 'project' : 'PRB' , 'status' : 'New' , 'category' : 'work' , 'created_on' : '2021-05-13 19:29:39.023231' }, { 'name' : 'catalog_broken' , 'project' : 'zoom' , 'status' : 'New' , 'category' : 'work' , 'created_on' : '2021-05-13 19:54:42.109463' }] We need to build couple of parameters first. Create 3 variables with names as table_name

Python: Absolute Imports

In Python, Absolute imports can be done in 3 ways. Let's say we have a project structure as below Let's say you have so many classes and functions inside the products module then we can go with the below syntax. from ecommerce import products product = products.Product() If we have only one or two classes then we can use the below syntax. from ecommerce.products import Product product = Product() The last method is very rarely used and I don't see anywhere it's being used, but it's good to know for a specific use case. Let's say you have two but different modules named products and if you want to import both of them

How to create containerized Python development environment using Dockers ?

Hello Everyone, In this article, I will demonstrate how to create your Docker based Python runtime environment. Assume you’re in the folder where you have your python code in a file named and requirements.txt Lets first build our Python container with this setup. With your favorite editor, open a file named pyDockerfile, lets go with custom names instead of default Dockerfile, It would be easy to manage. But its your choice, I am going with pyDockerfile And add below code FROM python:3.6 RUN mkdir /app WORKDIR /app COPY requirements.txt . RUN pip install -r requirements.txt COPY . ENTRYPOINT ["python"] CMD [""] We are downloading/pulling Python3.6 image creating /app directory inside the container switching context or as current working directory to /app copy the requirements.txt file install the requirements with pip copy main source code, which is in in my case Adding entrypoint as python so strictly my container will