
Showing posts from April, 2017

Root CA and Wildcard Certificate Generation in CentOS/RHEL 6&7

     Hi folks ! this is one of the best method to create your own RootCA server and generating self-signed wildcard certificates.The greatest advantage of following this method: this would not make any system level changes, as everything is stored in files mentioned in the commands. At any stage if something went wrong, clear all the files and perform the steps once again. There are two sections 1. RootCA Server   --  Need to perform only once. 2. Generating wildcard certificates for domain -- Need to perform once per domain to create wildcard certificates. Need to perform once per site per domain to create individual certificates per site. RootCA Server ============ 1. Install required packages. # yum install openssl -y 2. Generate XYZRootCA certificates # mkdir /opt/XYZRootCA # cd /opt/XYZRootCA # openssl genrsa -out XYZRootCA.key 2048 # openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key XYZRootCA.key -sha256 -days 10950 -out XYZRootCA.pem #Provide information as g

A Go-Ready vagrant setup

Hello, I hope you know what is a Vagrant. If you don't , please visit For a Vagrant setup Vagrantfile is important. In the Vagrantfile we can define so many parameters for the VM we would like to build, for example IP Address, Hostname, Port Forwarding and while spinning the VM itself we can install the new packages and make our development or testing environment ready when ever we want. I dont write Installation of Vagrant here, because their documentation is excellent and I dont want to duplicate it. If you want to install Vagrant , look at and VirtuboxVM is one of pre-requisite for Vagrant and I hope you know how to install VirtualBox, if you dont know then look at Now I assume , you have installed Vagrant and VirtulBox.  Whether you are using Windows or Linux commands are same , just use your senses at path format which is different for Windo