
Showing posts from September, 2021

Arch Linux: How to - Pacman parallel package download

Arch Linux: How to - Pacman parallel package download Hello Everyone If you are using Arch Linux or any Arch Linux based distro, you might got tired with slow single package download with pacman. From pacman v6, parallel download feature has been added. To have this, all you have to do Open file /etc/pacman.conf Inside file, there will be a section called # Misc options, under the section add below line, if its not there. if its there commented, remove the hash. ParallelDownloads = 5 Save and exit from the file. In your terminal type sudo pacman -Syyu And you will see blazing speed package download. Hope it helps.

Az-204 - Prep - How To - Creating a container and access its service in Azure environment with ACR

Hello Team,  Below commands can be used to create a container with image from ACR and to access the container service. az login \ --username <> \ --password <> \ az group list | select -p name # Deploying a container from public registry az container create \ --resource-group "1-028b2503-playground-sandbox" \ --name psdemo-hello-world-cli-010 \ --dns-name-label psdemo-hello-world-cli-010 \ --image \ --ports 80 # show the container info az container show --resource-group "1-5e3dbe31-playground-sandbox" \ --name "psdemo-hello-world-cli-009" # Retrieve the container URL to access it over internet URL= $(az container show --resource-group '1-5e3dbe31-playground-sandbox' \ --name 'psdemo-hello-world-cli-009' --query ipAddress.fqdn | tr -d '"') echo "https:// $URL " # Demo 1 - Deploy container from azure container registry # # STEP 0 SET ENVIRO

Az-204 - Prep - How To - Creating Azure Container Registry And Upload/Push docker image into Azure Container Registry (ACR)

  Hello Everyone,  This post contains below list of topics How to create ACR ( Azure Container Registry ) How to login into ACR How to push Docker images into ACR How to build docker images with ACR Github link contains a sample dotnet webapp, which we can build using given instructions. I will share the Github link soon. But you can build your own container image and upload it ACR with same instructions as give below. # Login az login --username "xxxx" --password "xxxx" # Get the resource group name az group list # if you want to set subscription az account set --subscription "SUB NAme" # create a rg az group create \ --name psdemo-rg \ --location centralus # or list existing with az group list # Set ACR name , globally unique ACR_NAME= "GRSR810" az acr create \ --resource-group "1-028b2503-playground-sandbox" \ --name $ACR_NAME \ --sku Standard # login into ACR az acr login --name $ACR_NAME # Get the login server

How to install .Net core SDK in Mac OS ?

 Hello Everyone, As the official website not having full instructions,I am writing this article about installing .Net code SDK in Mac OS. Step1: As usual, go to microsfot website and choose what version of .Net SDK you want. Download and install it.  As per the installation guide in the webpage, you have to execute in the terminal `dotnet` you will expect to output similar to this PS az204_prep > dotnet Usage: dotnet [options] Usage: dotnet [path - to - application] Options: - h | -- help Display help. -- info Display .NET Core information. -- list - sdks Display the installed SDKs. -- list - runtimes Display the installed runtimes. path - to - application: The path to an application .dll file to execute. PS az204_prep > But instead that you will get zsh: command not found: dotnet To resolve this error verify you can find dotnet binary in /usr/local/share/

Az-204 - Prep - How To - Creating VM Using Azure Powershell

  Hello Everyone,  Please find below commands to create VM using azure powershell   # Login Connect-AzAccount - SubscriptionName "Demo Account" # Set your subscription Set-AzContext - SubscriptionName "Demo Account" # Create a resource Group New-AzResourceGroup - Name "psdemo-rg" - Location "CentralUS" # Create a credential to use in VM Creation $username = 'cloud_user_p_25e585de' $password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'c6Wh3BrR6ArHzO&Cx4cA' - AsPlainText - Force $WindowsCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username , $password) # Create Windows VM New-AzVM ` - ResourceGroupName 'psdemo-rg' ` - Name 'psdemo-win-az4' ` - Image 'Win2019Datacenter' ` - Credential $WindowsCred ` - OpenPorts 3389 ` - AzJob Get-AzResourceGroup # 1-83eb7c26-playground-sandbox New-AzVM ` - ResourceGroupName "1-83eb7c26-playground-sandbox" ` -

Az-204 - Prep - How To - Creating VM Using Azure CLI - Bash

Hello Everyone,  Please find below commands to create VM using azure cli `az` # login and set a subscription az login az account set --subscription "Demo Account" # List all created RGs az group list --output table # create a RG az group create \ --name "psdemo-rg" \ --location "centralus" # Creating a Windows VM az vm create \ --resource-group "1-718a377a-playground-sandbox" \ --name "psdemo-win-cli" \ --image "win2019datacenter" \ --admin-username "demoadmin" \ --admin-password "password@123" \ --public-ip-sku "Standard" # Open RDP Port for remote access (( Might open already)) az vm open-port \ --resource-group "1-718a377a-playground-sandbox" \ --name "psdemo-win-cli" \ --port "3389" # get the Public IP Address for remote access az vm list-ip-addresses \ --resource-group "1-718a377a-playground-sand