Python :F-Strings

In Python, to format output statements you can do in several ways as below.
    • 1. Regular print() using parameter data types
      2. Using .format()
      3. Using F-string

  • I will write small examples using all 3 types.

    1. Regular print() using parameter data types

    In the below example I will define values and print same for 3 most used data types which are int, string, float

    >>> a = 10
    >>> b = "Hello"
    >>> c = 98.9
    >>> print("a value is %d b value is %s c value is %f" %(a, b, c))
    a value is 10 b value is Hello c value is 98.900000

    If you observe the float this is not what I have defined actually, but we are not without options either, we can restrict how many decimals we want. Check below code

    >>> print("a value is %d b value is %s c value is %.2f" %(a, b, c))
    a value is 10 b value is Hello c value is 98.90
    >>> print("a value is %d b value is %s c value is %.3f" %(a, b, c))
    a value is 10 b value is Hello c value is 98.900

    Next let's do same with .format()

    2. Using .format()

    Using format we can also evaluate expressions while printing, below code snippets cover both normal printing and expressions which are evaluated

    >>> a = 10
    >>> b = "Hello"
    >>> c = 98.9
    >>> print("a value is {0}, b value is {1}, c value is {2}".format(a,b,c))
    a value is 10, b value is Hello, c value is 98.9
    >>> print("a value is {a}, b value is {b}, c value is {c}".format(a=a,b=b,c=c))
    a value is 10, b value is Hello, c value is 98.9
    >>> print("a value is {a}, b value is {b}, c value is {c}".format(a=a,b=b,c=c if c > 100 else 0))
    a value is 10, b value is Hello, c value is 0

    I am not adding any explanation here because the code itself self explanatory.

    Now let's see F-Strings

    >>> f'{a} {b} {c}'
    '10 Hello 98.9'
    >>> f'{a} {b} {c if c > 100 else 0 } '
    '10 Hello 0 '
    >>> print(f'{a} {b} {c if c > 100 else 0 } ')
    10 Hello 0
    Hope it helps.

    Thank you.


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